Subscription boxes are the new thing! They have them for everything from razors to fishing lures to treats for your pets. I have always loved Jana Kramer since I saw her on One Tree Hill well more like loved to hate her character. Then I heard her real life story and thought it was amazing how she persevered through everything she experienced. I follow her on social and saw this Moms and Babes box. I looked into it and turns out it is another subscription box made just for moms- There are 3 box choices: moms, moms/toddlers, and moms/infants. I have a 4 month old so I went with the infant one and decided to try out the Winter Box before getting a subscription. Below you can see the list of items and a video of us unpacking the box. We were opening it for the first time. (The one box has little baby booties not soap.)
After receiving the box, I just might need to look into getting a future subscription. I love the variety of products in the box. My baby is already going crazy for the Mickey teether! Thanks Jana and Sarah!